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Cleaning your fireplace

Fireplace Maintenance: Keeping Your Fireplace Clean

While most of us love the warmth of a fireplace in the colder months, very few are as passionate about

Fireplaces vs heaters

Fireplaces Vs Heaters: Which Is the Best Option For You

As the weather grows colder, you may be thinking about how you and your family will stay warm this winter.

Fuel source fireplace

Our Guide To Fuelling A Fireplace

When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing like gathering around a fireplace. The flicker of the flames creates a focal point

Winter BBQ care

Looking After Your BBQ Over Winter

When the temperature drops, it’s common to find yourself spending less time around the BBQ. While you can grill all

Wood fireplace heating efficiency

The Heating Efficiency of Wood Fireplaces

Who doesn’t love a fireplace? It’s perfect for wintertime, and it’s more than just a heater for your home—it also

Winter BBQ

Our Guide To Winter BBQing: Warm Comfort Food

Winter doesn’t mean you must say goodbye to barbecue’s smokey flavours and charred delights. In fact, winter BBQing presents a